2013. december 27., péntek

Művelődéstörténet ANGOL tételek

1/B Beszélje meg telefonon idegen nyelven a siófoki evangélikus templom lelkészi hivatalával szombat délelőtt 10:30 órára 10 fős finn építész delegáció templomlátogatását! Kérjen templombemutatást!

-        Finnish delegation
-        visit: látogatás
-        evangelic curch
-        Pastoral Office: Lelkészhivatal
-        guide: idegenvezető
-        architect: építész
-        provide: biztosítani
-        Saturday morning

2/B Telefonon, idegen nyelven érdeklődjön a budapesti Ráday Könyvtár olvasószolgálatánál teológiai kiadványokban való kutatási lehetőségek felől!

-        Reader’s Service
-        teological books, magazines, calendars
-        research: kutatás
-        opportunities: lehetőségek
-        borrow: kölcsönözni
-        I’m interested in.....
-        I would like to inform about the research opportunities.
-        I’d like to get some information in connection with the research opportunities.

3/B Soroljon fel idegen nyelven közismert európai gótikus létesítményeket!

-        There are famous gothic buildings in France, England, Italy, Austria and in the Chech Republic.
-        France
o   Cathedral of Amien
o   Pope’s Palace in Avignon
o   Cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris
-        England
o   Cathedral of Westminster
o   Cathedral of Canterbury
o   Cathedral of Wells
-        Italy
o   Basilic of Saint Francis of Assisi
o   Palazzo Vecchio in Florence
o   Cathedral in Siena
-        Wiena
o   St. Stephen’s Dome
-        Prague
o   Charles Bridge and Towers

4/B Sorolja fel idegen nyelven az Európai Unió székhelye országának, Belgiumnak munkaszüneti ünnepnapjait!

-        1st of January: New Year
-        March-April: Easter (moving holiday)
-        1st of May: Feast of Labour
-        May-June: Ascension Day (moving holiday)[áldozó csütörtök]
-        The 7th Monday after Easter: Pentecost[Pünkösd], Whit Day[Pünkösd hétfő]
-        21th of July: Anniversary of Leopold the First
-        15th of August: Assumption Day [Nagyboldogasszony ünnepe]
-        1st of November: All Saint’s Day [Mindenszentek]
-        11th of November: Armistice Day [fegyverszünet] (The end of the First World War)
-        25th of December: Christmas Day

6/B Foglalja össze idegen nyelven a Szent Péter-bazilika magyar vonatkozású látnivalóját és alábbi adatait: A bazilika belső hosszúsága 211,5 méter, magassága 132,5 méter. Alapterülete kb. 15160 m², kb. 60 000 főt tud befogadni, ezzel a Szent Péter-bazilika a világ egyik legnagyobb belső terével rendelkezik.

-        it’s length is 211,5 m
-        it’s height is 132 m
-        Area is about 15.160 m2
-        capacity is 60.000 people (one of the greatest interior of the world)

Hungarian aspects of Bazilica of St. Peter

oldalhajó – aisle
oszlop – coloumn
sír – tomb
Pápa – Pope
hála – gratitude (hálából – with gratitude)
dombormű – relief
átadja – to hand/give
korona – crown
követ – ambassador
Szűz Mária – Virgin Mary
ó-keresztény – ancient Christian
kápolna – chapel
szarkofág – sarcophagi
II. János Pál Pápa – Pope John Paul II.
felavat – inaugurate
szentély – sanctuary

In the right aisle of the Bazilica there is the tomb of Pope Silvester II. Above the tomb, there’s a  coloum with a relief wich was made by the hungarians with gratitude. On the relief Pope Silvester II hand the crown to the ambassador of St. Steven, who recommand our country to Virgin Mary.
Pope John Paul II inaugurated a hungarian chapel in the sanctuary of ancient Christian sarcophagi in 1980. This chapel was offered to Virgi Mary (Patroness of Hungary).

7/B Foglalja össze idegen nyelven pár mondatban, hogy milyen lehetőségeket nyújt protokoll-rendezvények lebonyolításához, és milyen vonzerővel bír ugyanezen célból a budapesti Művészetek Palotája!

The Palace of Arts:
It is a unique building in function and architecture. The Palace of Arts is situated on the World Heritage-listed Danube waterfront. The structure and outside appearance of the building are determined by its inner functions. There are three rooms that can be beneficial for a place when we organize az event:
Glass hole/room:
-          This is the conference area of the Palace of Arts.
-          It has got a wonderful view of the Danube.
-          This is a hall with 130 seats in fixed rows.
-          It is ideally suited to professional lectures, conferences and sreenings.
-          Its modern technical equipment meets the requirements of any presentation, while a fully equipped interpreter booth makes this an ideal venue for internacional conferences.
The Blue Hall
-          It owns its name to the deep blue of its carpet and serves catering purposes to complement the Auditorium and Glass Hall.
-          It’s a separate venue, and it hosts youth programmes and professional meetings for smaller numbers of participiants.

The halls of the Palace of Arts are available for private parties and corporate events too.

8/B Hívja fel a vizsgabizottság figyelmét idegen nyelven a fővárosi Néprajzi Múzeum aktuális és a balassagyarmati Palóc Múzeum állandó kiállításának érdekességeire!

Actual Exhibition in the Museum of Ethnography
Living Folk Art 2010
Museum of Ethnography
October 29, 2010 – March 27, 2011
The goal of this exhibition is to inspire you to make your home a bit more Hungarian, and to get ideas for how to use folk art in your own home.
The title of the exhibition is: “Living Folk Art 2010″, telling us that at this exhibition you can see how Hungarian Folk art is used in homes around Hungary as of now, and as you see this, you might want to grab hold of some Hungarian handcrafts, to make your home a bit similar to this.

Permanent Exhibition in Palóc Popular Art Museum
The exhibition focuses on the folk art of the Palóc ethnical group. There are a lot of wooden items (the works of the shepherds), ceramics, jugs of Mezőcsát and Tiszafüred.
Palóc folk also has a long tradition in weaving. The woman designs are of great simplicity. The famous Palóc embroidery (hímzés) can be seen on patterned (mintás) sheets, bedspreads and satchels. On the exhibiton we can see tradicional Palóc costumes too, bridgegroom’s shirts, woman’s blouses and aprons, wich were decorated most extensively.
There are some painted furnitures, coloured plates, refer to religious paintings and reprints of popular oil paintings.

10/B A mellékelt, magyar nyelvű tájékoztató anyag segítségével mutassa be idegen nyelven a Budapesti Klezmer Band-et!

The Budapest Klezmer Band  founded in 1990. The Band's performance is an exciting musical experience in traditional Jewish folklore. They play musical arrangements, composed by the founder and musical director of the group, Ferenc Jávori.
The performance by the Budapest Klezmer Band transfers the audience back to now extinct joyful times in Central and Eastern Europe, when traditional Jewish music was part of the community's cultural fabric. The Band also specializes in theatrical productions, appearing on stage with performers. Their climactic performances with the famous Franz Liszt Chamber Orchestra playing at the Academy of Music in Budapest were resounding successes and were heralded as an initial step in bringing klezmer music to the classical concert hall. In 2000 the Pro Cultura Foundation of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences awarded Kodály Zoltán Cultural Prize to the Budapest Klezmer Band for promoting and spreading Yiddish musical tradition, and in August of 2003 the band got the Artisjus Prize.

11/B Beszélje meg telefonon idegen nyelven izraeli üzleti partnerével, hogy mivel kedd délután 15:00 óra helyett csak 16:00 órakor esedékes a zsinagógalátogatás, ne töltsék kihasználatlanul az időt, üljenek be inkább egy kávéra a zsinagógához közel levő Spinoza kávéházba!

-Hallo, this is XY!
-Good afternoon, my name is YZ! I’m the organizer of your visit to the synagogue. I call you because there is a little change in the Tuesday afternoon’s programme. The visit to the synagogue will start at 16:00, not at 15:00. I recommand you a great café called Spinoza, near the synagogue, you can go there and spend the rest of the time in this fantastic café. They have got good qualified coffe and a lot of cakes. I hope you will be pleased with it!
-Thank you...........Bye, bye J J J

12/B Egyeztesse telefonon idegen nyelven a cseh nyelvet beszélő idegenvezetővel munkaidejét, díjazását, elvárt öltözetét!

-Hallo, this is XY!
-Good afternoon, my name is YZ! I’m the organizer of the reception that will be in June that we talked about last time. I call you from the reason of arrange your work with us. Do you already know your daily role or would you like from me to make you know the programme?
-Yes, it would be beneficial.
-Let’s see...On the first day, there will be a tour with the bus around Tata, including Lake Öreg. The second day’s programme including a tour in the Castle of Tata and the Church. For this job, you get the salary of two half days, so it will be aproximately 40.000 Ft. We pay it by wire. (Átutalással fizetni)
-Thank your for the punctual information. Could you tell me what should I wear during the event?
-Well, you should wear the uniform of the team, it consists of a black costume and elegant shoes.
-All right. Thank you for all the information.
-.........Bye, bye J J J

13/B Kérdezze meg idegen nyelven külföldi ismerősétől, hogy az ő országában milyen lehetőségei vannak szülés utáni otthonmaradásra az anyának, és van-e náluk bölcsőde, óvoda és családi pótlék!

szülés utáni otthonmaradás – maternity leave
bölcsőde – nursery
óvoda – kindergarten
családi pótlék – (to get) childcare support

-What kind of maternity leave do you have in your country? Are there any nurseries and kindergartens? For how many years can you get childcare support?

15/B Indoklással javasolja idegen nyelven külföldi barátjának a Magyar Állami Operaház alábbi előadásainak megtekintését!
- Puccini: Bohémélet
- Kocsák-Harangozó: Hófehérke és a hét törpe
- Erkel: Bánk bán

If you want to see and hear a realistic but impressive performance, you should go to the Hungarian Opera House and you should see Puccini: Bohémélet. Nowdays it is the most popular performance in the world. The story is about the life and death of everyday/casual people.
But if you prefer a lighter story for example a tale, you should see the performance Hófehérke és a hét törpe from Kocsák-Harangozó. It is an assimilation of the tale with spectacular effects.
Bánk bán is a hungarian opera performance. A lot of professional actresses and actors take part in this show. Romantic, serious, historical and absolutely hectic.

17/B Mondja el idegen nyelven alkotásuk sorrendjében a Munkácsy-trilógia képeinek megnevezéseit/címeit, és nevezze meg a Munkácsy-képek azon gyűjtőjét, akinek révén országos körutat járhat(ott) be a gyűjtemény!

Mihály Munkácsy was an outstanding painter from the second half of the 19th century. The exhibition, which has been organised jointly by the Hungarian National Gallery and the Munkácsy Foundation, presents the three most relevant masterpieces of biblical theme. These are: Ecce Homo, hosted by the Déri Museum of Debrecen, Christ in front of Pilate, borrowed by Canada-based Art Gallery of Hamilton and Golgotha, in possession of Hungarian born American collector Imre Pákh. The three paintings have contributed to the permanent exhibition of the Déri Museum of Debrecen for years.

19/B Válaszoljon idegen nyelven: hol található, hol ülésezik és hány fős az Európai Parlament?

The European Parliament is the only directly-elected body of the European Union. The European Parliament has three places of work: Brussels, Luxembourg and Strasbourg.
Luxembourg is home to the administrative offices (the ‘General Secretariat’). Meetings of the whole Parliament, known as ‘plenary sessions’, take place in Strasbourg and sometimes in Brussels. Committee meetings are also held in Brussels. The European Parliament has 736 members.

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